

Bullying ...
not an an easy term to describe.
It can mean different things to different people, especially when you deal with kids.

Some of the ways kids bully other kids are by:
• hitting,
• kicking,
• calling them names,
• saying or writing nasty things about them,
• leaving them out of activities,
• not talking to them,
• making them feel uncomfortable or scared,
• taking or damaging their things.

Sometimes it comes in the way of threats, or teasing.
This can become more damaging than just hitting or kicking.
The word 'bullying' is used to describe many different types of behaviour ranging from teasing or deliberately leaving an individual out of a social gathering or ignoring them, to serious assaults and abuse. Sometimes it is an individual who is doing the bullying and sometimes it is a group.

In any case, bullies are cowards.
They tend to pick on children/youths that won't stand up for themselves.

That's because children don't know how to do it and they need to be taught on how to defend from these kind of people.

The important thing is not the action but the effect on the victim.
No one should ever underestimate the fear that a bullied child feels.
It is painful, upsetting and frightening.

It can lead to a fear of school and reduces children's confidence.
Children often feel weak and friendless and often think it is their fault.
If it is not stopped children feel helpless because no one can protect them.

A lot of times the child may feel that they did something to bring this on, to deserve these actions. We need to reassure them that they aren't alone, and this wasn't brought on by them. Today children should realize that they don't have to face this on their own.
Children and young people who witness or become aware of bullying may be unsure about what to do and whether they should tell someone.
Make sure they know that they should talk to a parent or teacher, and tell themwhy.

Children must learn that they need to communicate,

communicate, and communicate!

It is essential that they tell their parents, teachers, and friends, what is going on!! That is the first step. We then can begin to give support and help kids understand the reason why they are being bullied.
Ignoring the problem won't fix it.
It will only get worse!